Friday, June 27, 2014




"BLUE" JIMMY:  I once went to the home of a real witch and instead of seeing black cats and cauldrons of brew and upside down crosses, I was surprised to see seated Buddhas, Hindu deities, mandalas, incense burners and  other objects of meditation that you might find in a temple of Eastern worship.  When I asked about this, I was told that deep meditation is essential for all magical workings and that all witches, warlocks, sorcerers, wizards, shamans and mystics practice some form of meditation.  From my research, I've found that there are many forms of meditation such as, Chi Gong, TM (transcendental meditation), Kundalini, Zazen (traditional Buddhist) and guided meditation.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Each one of these traditions has its militant adherents claiming to be the one true form of meditation (much like religions) but they all have common ground (much like religions).  Believe it or not, one man who was instrumental in demystifying the practice of meditation in the Western World was Aleister Crowley, "The Most Wicked Man In The World" and the object of reverence among various writers, poets, artists, musicians, bohemians, junkies, perverts and occultists since the start of the last century.  In his many writings, Crowley took the hocus pocus out of meditation and broke it down into digestible parts that Western readers in the Victorian Age could understand.

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Dude!  Crowley pointed out that great spiritual leaders such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and Buddha, all split from everyday life for long periods of time and when they came back they were somehow changed, enlightened or had acquired great wisdom somehow with the implication being that they had spent much time in prayer, contemplation and meditation.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  And showed up with long hair, beards and funky wardrobe!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  The common belief among all meditation practitioners is that the body must be relaxed, the mind must be still and that breathing is of the utmost importance.  Breathing directs the body's energy and is so powerful that some yoga classes make you sign a waiver due to the fact that certain breathing exercises may cause visions, astral projection or kudalini shock which I have experienced and is bad business if you are not prepared.  The truth is that all great geniuses throughout history from Krishna to Buddha to Aristotle to  Da Vinci to Einstein to Stephen Hawking have practiced some form of meditation.  Medical and scientific research has shown amazing benefits to those who practice meditation including acute awareness and mental focus, incredible memory, intense creativity, superhuman physical abilities and for those who pursue it, great spiritual development.  The Monroe institute, which is an organization which does research into human consciousness, has developed an audio process called Hemi-Sync, which synchronizes the two hemispheres of the brain during meditation and has been praised by masters of meditation, yogis and holy men to be extremely effective and eliminates years of  unfruitful practice.  Meditation is still a mystery but the evidence has shown that there is much more to it than strange poses and bizarre chanting and warrants further exploration.

BLIND DOG OZZY:  And it's condemned by the Church and TV preachers to be the work of the Devil so it must be f**king good!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Sake's Alive!