Sunday, April 16, 2017




"BLUE" JIMMY:  As a kid, I remember Easter Sunday as the one Sunday of the year where you really had to go to church or you were going to Hell!

BLIND DOG OZZY:  Do not pass Go, do not collect $200!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  It was also the one church day where you really had to get dressed up because ... I don't know ... God might take offense to it?  All I remember is that I had to take a shower and my Mom would check that I used soap ... 

BLIND DOG OZZY:  And your Dad would put Tres Flores in your hair! 

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Then, in a Catholic household, you are required to go through that period of 40 days of prayer, fasting and abstinence known as Lent where you have to give something up to prove you are faithful.  And you are not allowed to eat meat on Fridays because ... well, I'm still not sure ...

BLIND DOG OZZY:  ... It's still under investigation!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  All I could dig up was that early Christians, when converting to Christianity, took their business seriously and were obligated to go through a 40 day purification process.  You'll also note that the number 40 reoccurs constantly throughout the bible:  Noah and his family had to stay aboard the ark for 40 days and nights; Moses went up on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights; Jesus went out into the wilderness for 40 days and nights ... 

BLIND DOG OZZY:  ...The significance behind the number 40 is a whole 'nother article!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  But on to Easter!  Apparently, the name Easter is derived from the name of the Germanic goddess Ostara (sometimes Eostre) who is associated with Spring, fertility and rebirth.  She has many equivalents in various cultures around the world such as:

  • Brigid (Celtic)
  • Persephone (Greek)
  • Idunn (Norse)
  • Flora (Roman)
  • Sita (Hindu) 
and many others.  Ostara is often depicted with rabbits, ducklings, chicks (all symbols of  fertility and Spring) and eggs.  
Eggs are naturally, a symbol of birth and it's easy to understand why they are included in Easter celebrations.  But as to why they are colored brings forth differing theories.  Ostara is usually pictured holding a scarlet-colored egg which some say represents the blood of the Savior.  Others say it represents the rays of the sun ... whatever.  The point is that eggs play a large role in Easter celebrations in the Western World. Why?  The best information I could dig up is that in the early days of the Catholic Church, eggs like meat, were forbidden to eat during Lent.  People ate up all the eggs they could before Lent began.  When Lent was in full swing,  chickens didn't stop laying eggs so they were usually hard boiled and stored until they could be eaten again.  So maybe when Lent was over, people made a mad dash to find the stored eggs ... "Where's the eggs!!!"  This brings to mind the hilarious stand-up routine by comedian John Stewart (on Easter celebrations) "... how did hide the eggs get in there?  Did Jesus have some sort of a problem with eggs?  (Jesus speaking) 'Hey by the way, when I come back, if I see any f**king eggs!' ..."  


"BLUE" JIMMY:  But now we get to the rising from the dead part ...

BLIND DOG OZZY:  ... Dun, Dun, Dun!!!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  Here is a partial list of  deities besides Jesus who were said to have risen from the dead:  Virishna; Attis; Tammuz; Osiris; Dionysus; Krishna; Mithra;
Heracles; Adonis; Quetzalcoatl ... the list just goes on.  Apparently, Jesus is in good company up there!  That's why Easter has always had sinister undertones for me -- a man is tortured to death on  a cross and then three days later, he crawls out of his tomb and scares the hell out of his followers!

BLIND DOG OZZY:  I promise I'll never sin again!!!

"BLUE" JIMMY:  That bit of ugliness aside, the beginning of the Spring season has always been celebrated at this time in the Western World long before Christianity and bunnies, baby chicks, ducklings, blossoming flowers and rising saviors have always been a part of it.  I can imagine the relief of ancient people when the days began to grow longer, the ice melted, the earth warmed and the sun (son) reappeared in all its (his) glory ... yes, I would be inspired to believe in a Higher Power too!


"BLUE" JIMMY:  Sake's Alive!


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